Michelle Reeves

We’re busy (oh so busy) but we still want to be AMAZING and *sparkle*, right?

Life as a busy mama never stops! A never-ending to-do list, wishing for an extra hour in the day, searching for that elusive ‘balance’ in our lives and all the while trying to ignore that little voice inside telling us we’re just not ready to live our big, scary dreams.

Sometimes it feels like everyone else has the answers, everyone else is moving forward, everyone else is achieving…


Take a deep breath my friend… you’re not alone


Hey there, I’m Michelle Reeves and I’m a goals and success coach for busy mamas just like you and me.

I am SUPER passionate about helping lost and frustrated busy mamas who’ve buried their sparkle become the positive, powerful and productive woman they dream to be. I adore uncovering the shimmering potential of women who love their kiddos but also have a soft spot for wine, killer handbags and feeling like a heroine in their own life story!

Because in 2009 I hit rock bottom myself.

After a successful career guiding the customer experience of thousands of online customers, I found myself struggling just to get through each day. I was an expat in China trying to cope with a difficult birth and a premature baby daughter and, honestly, I didn’t really care what happened to me. On the day I was diagnosed with Post Natal Depression my journey back to ME began.

And step by step, day by day, I found myself again.

Over the past 8 years I’ve overcome my depression, launched 3 successful blogs, set up my own business and won a national ‘Inspiring Blog’ award.

I realised it's up to me

And I found my purpose sharing the lessons I’ve learned, leading me slowly but surely to where I am today – running a business I love and helping busy mamas just like you to overcome the challenges that stop us all from dreaming exciting dreams, stepping into our truth and reaching our potential as gorgeous, powerful, successful women.

You don’t  have to do this on your own

So often we feel like no-one else can share our journey, that no-one understands our lives, our challenges, our story. But you honestly don’t have to do this on your own. I’m passionate about helping you to become your most positive, powerful and productive self and I’m sharing everything I’ve learned right here – with posts, workbooks, a podcast, courses and free resources – and in my Sparkle On Mama Facebook & Email Community where amazing women just like you are coming together to live life with purpose on purpose and regain their gorgeous sparkle.

Need more? Work with me 1-2-1…

I work 1-2-1 with women just like you in my coaching programmes where I’ll help you create a life you love and overcome those everyday challenges that just seem to keep you stuck. Never been coached before? Don’t worry, it’s just like having a conversation over coffee (and yup, you can bring biscuits) but you leave feeling motivated and inspired with clarity and an action plan to hit the ground running. Most of my coaching is done over SKYPE so you don’t even need to leave your house. (And you know that thing where newsreaders only get dressed on their top half? That’s totally allowed too.)

You can find out more & book a free 30 min taster call with me here.

I’m so excited you’re here… let’s create something amazing together, shall we?

Michelle (3)


What do you want to be today?


Be positive resources
Be powerful resources
Be productive