Every day I use 8 happiness habits to help keep me positive, focused and on track with my journey to joy. They’re habits that I’ve discovered, tweaked and brought together to create a productive positivity routine that really works for me.

I’ll be sharing all of these tools with you soon in my Happiness Habits Routine eCourseΒ and helping you to create your own routine that works for you – but in this post I want to talk about two tools that you can use TODAYΒ to start breaking the habit of negativity. They’re deceptively simple but believe me they really work!

The first is something that’s easy to do, but we don’t do it as much as we THINK we do. The second is just three little words that can turn ANY negative statement into a positive.

Let me tell you about them in this PeriscopeΒ broadcast…


You can also read about the power of smiling here.
Do you use these tools to help keep you positive throughout the day? What other tools work for you? Let me know in the comments…