Bring some sparkle into your day with

courses, workbooks & free resources

especially for you, Busy Mama!

How to Overcome Overwhelm free 5 day challenge

All resources in the

Busy Mama’s Toolkit


Choose your word 2017

When expectation and effort can kill your joy

How to squeeze more joy out of every experience at

30 sec busy mama tips

How to prioritise when you're overwhelmed -

How to be inspired every day -

10 min workshop - fear of failure

How to use timeboxing to make you more productive

Give yourself permission to press pause


Ready to go further?


1Learn the secrets of a simple, daily routine that will give you time to focus on YOU, release you from the habit of negativity, boost your self-esteem and even help you reach your I’m-a-mama-but-I’m-still-me goals.


Laura Standen“The Happiness Habits Routine™ delivered way more than I expected! Loads of sites teach you skills to be happier but this course stands out by telling you how to create habits that really make a positive difference to your life.” – Laura Standen (From Broody to Baby)
Susanne Remic“Michelle, I just wanted to say that I’ve been practising the tools and techniques from the Happiness Habits Routine™ and I really do feel happier! My counsellor was really impressed with the habits I’ve put into place and thinks your course is a wonderful idea. Thank you so much, I really feel things are clicking into place at last.” – Susanne Remic (


