Save time for you by learning to say no

Do you struggle to say ‘no’?

Finding time in the day for ourselves isn’t easy, is it! Let’s face it, as busy mamas, daughters, wives, colleagues, employees or business owners often so much of our daily routine is focused on everyone BUT us.

But taking time out for us is SO important if we’re going to show up in the rest of our lives as our most positive, powerful and productive selves.

One way that we can engineer more me-time into our day is by learning to say ‘no’ to some things, to give us the space to say ‘yes’ to others.

I know, I know, it’s such a hard thing to do when we want to help and support those around us. But just like a car needs fuel and a regular service to keep running smoothly, we need to renew our own energies with self-care and me-time.

Here’s two simple steps to start learning how to say ‘no’ today…

The late Steve Jobs once said: “Focus is about saying no” and I wholeheartedly agree!

Here are three ways I’ve learned to say no – I use them depending on who the person is and what they’re asking for – take them, adapt them and use! Pin them near your desk or your phone so you’ve got them handy when someone asks for your help…

“No, I’m sorry, I can’t take that on right now and here’s why – (explain why) – but I can help you next week/month?”

“I’m sorry I won’t be able to get to that until (day/week/month) because (reason) – but perhaps I can help you another way by (suggest another way you can help i.e. someone else who might be able to help them)

“I’d love to help but I’m really busy with (reason) right now and I know I won’t be able to do it justice.” (Leave some silence and hold your nerve! You can follow this one up with one of the other responses too if you need to.)

Save time for you by learning to say no


Do you know another busy mama who’s struggling to say ‘no’? Why not share this post with her and make a promise to remind each other to schedule some me-time into your week?

5 comments on “How to say NO to make more time for YOU”

  1. I’m so much better at saying ‘no’ than I used to be – I used to think it was selfish, and people would think less of me. But now I realise there simply are times when you need to put yourself first, and that’s self-presevation not selfishness. A good reminder, thanks lovely xx #sharethejoy

  2. Love this – great tips for learning how to say no. I used to be guilty of saying yes to everything and got very burnt out as a result. It taught me the value of saying no and making sure I also looked after myself too. Not easy to do at times though! #sharethejoy

  3. This is such a tough lesson to learn, they say ‘if you want somebody to do something ask a busy person’ well that person is me! I’m able to put my hand to most things and my skill set is transferable to most careers. That doesn’t mean I should do anything and everything though! Love your examples of things we could say, thank you so much for sharing your tips! #sharethejoy xo

  4. Very well said and great tips. And yes, we all need to learn to say no more often. I am not the best at it but getting better. The hardest bit is that moment when someone asks – and you can often go back to your default of saying yes. Your ways for saying no are so handy to have around to make saying no easier. xx

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